February 8, 2022

Untangling the Wires in Electricity Market Planning

Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions
Untangling the Wires in Electricity Market Planning

In this episode of Resources Radio, host Daniel Raimi talks with Kate Konschnik, a senior lecturer at Duke University Law School who recently joined the Biden administration. Konschnik describes RTOGov, a research initiative that aims to evaluate how decisions are made in US electricity markets and the overlooked importance of regional transmission organizations (RTOs) in the electricity sector. Konschnik and Raimi discuss how different RTOs operate differently across the United States; that transparency matters in RTO governance and decisionmaking; and potential ways that RTOs can evolve to provide more reliable, affordable, and clean electricity in the years ahead.

A full transcript and additional information is available from the Resources Radio website. The podcast is also available on Soundcloud and other podcast platforms.