Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions Senior Scholar Linwood Pendlton will present "From Caimans to Carbon: Charting an Interdisciplinary Career," Wednesday, February 22.
How does one go from studying caiman ecology to leading a project to develop markets for trading coastal blue carbon? From counting mosquito larvae in bromeliads to using big data to improve whale conservation and tourism? Pendleton's presentation will chart the evolution of his serially interdisciplinary career. It will focus on key events that propelled him from one field to the next and spurred him to try careers in academia, conservation, and the federal government to show that serially interdisciplinarity can be pursued successfully, rigorously, and enjoyably both inside and outside of traditional academic pathways.
This talk is free and open to the public. It is sponsored by the Nicholas School of the Environment. A live webcast of the event will also be available.