Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions

FERC Technical Conference Regarding Carbon Pricing in Organized Wholesale Electricity Markets

Date and Time
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Online conference
FERC Technical Conference Regarding Carbon Pricing in Organized Wholesale Electricity Markets


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The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is hosting this conference to discuss considerations related to state-adoption of mechanisms to price carbon dioxide emissions, commonly referred to as carbon pricing, in regions with Commission-jurisdictional organized wholesale electricity markets (i.e., regions with regional transmission organizations/independent system operators, or RTOs/ISOs). This conference will focus on carbon pricing approaches where a state (or group of states) sets an explicit carbon price, whether through a price-based or quantity-based approach, and how that carbon price intersects with RTO/ISO-administered markets, addressing both legal and technical issues.

Kate Konschnik, director of the Nicholas Institute's Climate and Energy Program, will be one of six speakers during the first panel, "Legal Considerations for State-Adopted Carbon Pricing and RTO/ISO Markets." Konschnik's opening remarks and a link to a free webcast are available at the "Conference Website" link above.