To sustainably feed 9.6 billion people, overfished stocks must be rebuilt, and the production and environmental performance of aquaculture must be increased.
Toward this end, the Ocean and Coastal Policy Program works with tropical governments to identify policies to help rebuild or maintain marine fisheries so that they can contribute more food and jobs to help end hunger and poverty. Currently, the program is working with the Duke Marine Lab, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, and WorldFish to conduct a global assessment of the contributions of small-scale fisheries to sustainable development, entitled Illuminating Hidden Harvests. Additionally, as science-to-policy advisory facility the program is working with the Pacific Catalyst consortium to assist decision makers in countries in the western and central Pacific Ocean to sustainably govern the use of tuna resources. Finally, the Program housed the Fisheries Leadership & Sustainability Forum, a program that provided policy-neutral support to U.S. federal fisheries managers from 2008–2018. Archived resources are available at