Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions
Plastics Technology

Guppyfriend Washing Bag

Remediation Strategy
Plastic Type
Invention Category
Included in analysis?
Location Invented

Effectiveness or Ecological Impact

Non-peer-reviewed Effectiveness

It reduces the number of fibres that break off (79% reduction in partly synthetic clothes and 86% reduction in completely synthetic clothing). It can withstand 50 household washes according to ISO 6330 without damage (Guppyfriend FAQ, n.d.).

Peer-reviewed Effectiveness

One source reported it captures 39% of microfibers (Kärkkäinen & Sillanpää, 2021), while another reported it captures 54 ± 14% of microfibers (Napper et al., 2020).


Guppyfriend. (n.d.). FAQ. GUPPYFRIEND. Retrieved January 22, 2023, from


* Year designates the year invented; if the year invented was unavailable, the earliest year that an article about the technology was published was used.