Plastic Pollution Prevention and Collection Technology Inventory Search

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Floating boom attached to both sides of a canyon with a metal screen attached to collect plastic waste.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

River booms that act as a barrier to prevent plastics from entering the ocean.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

Active concentration modules placed along the river to guide plastic waste to a collection point where it is lifted from the waterway by a collection wheel.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

Hoovers microplastics out of sand.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

Consists of an unmanned surface vehicle, two underwater robots, and an aerial vehicle or drone. The drone and ROV charts the litter on the surface and in the water column. The second ROV uses a custom-designed gripper and a suction device to collect the mapped garbage on the seabed.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

Stainless steel mesh that prevents microplastics from entering drinking water and the water cycle.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

Barrier to direct waste onto conveyor belts which run along the riverbank and deposit waste into receptacles.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

A self-cleaning, ducted turbomachinery unit that can be installed as a power-generating turbine or modified to be installed in a ship to extract plastic pollution from marine environments.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

Filter feeders to collect plastic, designed to be retrofitted or built into larg shipping vessels.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

Two outstretched booms with nets attached, which catch debris floating just below the water’s surface.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

Mesh bag that unrolls to provide a way for divers to collect and remove trash from the water while on dives.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

Fully automated robot that uses a conveyor belt to pick up and transfer collected rubbish to storage compartment.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

Using AI and ‘research pods’, the solar-powered MAS will run experiments to monitor sea mammals and marine microplastics.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

Sensors allow port authorities to certify the amount of ship waste reported, in comparison to the volume reported to MARPOL inspectors.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

Balls placed in the laundry machine capture microfibers shed when washing synthetic fibers.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

Water filter on laundry machines captures microfibers when water is drained through the machine.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

Solar-powered vessel with conveyor belts collects floating debris.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

Vessels place GPS units on ghost nets to mark them for collection.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

Floating litter trap uses a bypass flap to leverage water flow and pressure to capture and trap floating litter.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category:

Combination of oil and magnetite powder binds microplastics for extraction with a magnet.

Remediation Strategy: Plastic Type: Invention Category: