Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions
Stylized digital image of Earth. Image credit pixabay/Gerd Altmann
pixabay/Gerd Altmann

Energy Data Resources

This collection of energy data sources and tools for data analysis was supported in part by the National Science Foundation Award No. 1937137, a collaboration among the World Resources Institute, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Electric Power Research Institute, and Duke University. We do not endorse or provide any guarantees about the data or information listed below.

Title Publisher Description Type Topic
Cambium: U.S. Electricity Sector Scenario Model NREL U.S. electricity sector scenario modeling. (Licensing) Platform Electricity
Carbon Capture Projects Map Third Way A global map of carbon capture projects that includes project type, status, and country specifics. (Licensing) Platform Environment
Carbon Monitor: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data Carbon Monitor Interactive infographics that explore CO2 emissions by country over time. (Licensing) Platform Environment
China Energy Databook Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Datasets containing national and provincial energy balances plus energy end use tables for China. (Licensing) Dataset General
China's Energy Infrastructure (Map) Baker Institute A map of China's energy infrastructure including oil, coal, nuclear, and EV battery information. (Licensing) Platform General
China's Global Energy Finance Boston University An interactive map of China's energy market including import/export values with other regions based on energy type, sector, or lender. (Licensing) Platform General
Clean Air Markets Program Data U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) CAMPD provides data on emissions, compliance, allowance, and facilities attributes data as part of federal air quality programs. (Licensing) Platform Environment, Emissions
Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool Council on Environmental Quality Screening tool containing census tract data relating to energy burden, clean transportation, and other socioeconomic, environmental, health and climate metrics to help identify disadvantaged communities that are marginalized underserved, and overburdened by pollution (Licensing) Platform General, Transportation
Climate, Energy, and Transportation Data Center Earth Policy Institute A large database containing datasets covering energy, climate, and transportation topics of a wide range. (Licensing) Dataset General
Climate TRACE Climate TRACE Database and interactive map of location-specific greenhouse gas emissions across the world (Licensing) Platform General, Environment, Electricity
ClimateScope BloombergNEF Data on clean energy investment and national energy supply mixes (Licensing) Platform Environment
Coal Ash Contamination Map Earth Justice A map that displays the locations of coal ash contamination in the United States as well as information on clean-ups and impacts. (Licensing) Platform Environment
Coal Data Browser EIA A map of the United States displaying the coal mine production by state including both values and growth rates. (Licensing) Platform General
Combined Heat and Power Project Profiles Database DOE A dataset that allows the user to search through multiple aspects of combined heat and power systems across the United States. (Licensing) Platform General
Commercial and Residential Hourly Load Profiles OpenEI The hourly load profile data for 16 commercial and residential building types in for all TMY3 locations in the United States. (Licensing) Dataset Electricity, Building
Commercial and Residential Hourly Load Profiles for all TMY3 Locations in the U.S. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) This dataset contains hourly load profile data for 16 commercial building types and residential buildings. Hourly load profiles are available for over all TMY3 locations in the U.S.  (Licensing) Dataset Building
Community Power Map Institute for Local Self-Reliance A map of the United States that represents how state and local policy effect 100% renewable energy goals. (Licensing) Platform Renewable Energy
Compliance Certification Database DOE A large database of compliance statements by manufactures in accordance with the Federal conservation standards. (Licensing) Platform General
Conventional Power Plants in Germany + Europe Open Power System Data Compilation of conventional power plants from Germany and EU countries. Includes locations, energy sources, capacity, and additional information; though not all information can be provided for each observation. (Licensing) Dataset Electricity
Cost of Renewable Energy Spreadsheet Tool (CREST) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) The CREST is an economic cash flow model designed to allow policymakers, regulators, and the renewable energy community to assess project economics, design cost-based incentives, and evaluate the impact of various state and federal support structures. (Licensing) Tool Policy, Renewable Energy
County-level oil and gas production USDA Timeseries data at the county level for US state's oil and gas production statistics. (Licensing) Dataset Fuel
Crowdsourced power grid data/map Power grid and energy infrastructure map based on OpenStreetMap (Licensing) Platform Electricity
CURB: Climate Action for Urban Sustainability World Bank A climate action planning tool to help cities determine where best to invest funding. (Licensing) Dataset Environment
Customer Rate Comparison Tool North Carolina State University A tool that can be customized to compare energy rates and how "decisions may impact their energy bills." (Licensing) Platform General
Data Battery Inside Energy (IE) The Data Battery is the repository that contains all datasets used in Inside Energy's stories and reporting.  (Licensing) Dataset Storage
Data-Driven Multivariate Power Curve Modeling of Offshore Wind Turbines Mendeley A dataset with 20,000 power and speed values to help modeling for wind turbines. (Licensing) Dataset Renewable Energy
Data for: Ecological Footprint, Hydropower Energy Consumption, and Economic Growth Nexus in the Top Six Hydropower Energy-Consuming Countries Mendeley A dataset presenting the ecological impacts, economic growth, and energy consumption for hydropower in the top 6 hydropower consuming countries. (Licensing) Dataset Environment
Data for: Power system state estimation with extended power formulation Mendeley A dataset for power system state estimations with extended power formulations. (Licensing) Dataset Electricity
Data for: Urban Form and Transportation Energy Consumption Mendeley Data related to energy consumption as proxied by gas station sales in the US (Licensing) Dataset Transportation
Data Portal for Cities Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy A global searchable database for city-based statistics on energy activity and emissions data. (Licensing) Platform General, Environment
Database for Energy Consumption of Commercial Building(s) Japan Sustainable Building Consortium Database of buildings surveyed in Japan related to numerous attributes, including energy consumption (Licensing) Dataset Building
Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE) NC Clean Energy Technology Center Information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. DSIRE includes a number of resources for developers, policymakers, researchers, and the general public.  (Licensing) Dataset Policy, Renewable Energy
Dataset: The future cost of electrical energy storage based on experience rates Figshare A cumulative dataset containing energy storage capacity and product pricing. (Licensing) Dataset Storage
DEEP: De-risking Energy Efficiency Platform Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (Europe) A database to share information on projects in buildings and industry to improve investments in energy efficiency projects. (Licensing) Platform Efficiency
Degree Days Calculator ENERGY STAR A tool to calculate heating and cooling degree days in the United States and Canada based on specific zip codes and dates. (Licensing) Platform General
DI Basic DrillingInfo Drillinginfo contains a proprietary database on gas and oil sector. It also offers services that provide the predictive tools and technology needed to drive exploration decisions. (Licensing) Platform Fuel
Digest of UK Energy Statistics (DUKES) U.K. Gov - Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy This database presents statistics on electricity from generation through to sales and includes statistics on generating capacity, fuel used for generation, load factors and efficiencies. It also includes a map showing the electricity network in the U.K. and the location of the main power stations.  (Licensing) Dataset Electricity
Digital Obstacle File Federal Aviation Administration Components of the US electrical system, among other objects, as part of the Federal Aviation Administration's Digital Obstacle File database (Licensing) Dataset General
Distributed Solar PV Array Location and Extent Data Set for Remote Sensing Object Identification Duke University This dataset contains the location and polygonal outlines for over 19,000 solar panels across 601 high-resolution aerial images from four cities in California. Dataset applications include training object detection and other machine learning algorithms that use remote sensing imagery, developing specific algorithms for predictive detection of distributed PV systems, and analysis of the socioeconomic correlates of PV deployment. (Licensing) Dataset Renewable Energy
E4ST Fast Predictor: Power system simulation model Cornell University, Arizona State University, Resources for the Future A simulation model to predict environmental impacts of electrical generation in the United States and select parts of Canada and Mexico. (Licensing) Platform Electricity
EES / ECO performance indicators (Russia) Joint Stock Company System Operator of the Unified Energy System Generation and consumption grid data in Russia. (Licensing) Dataset Electricity
EGrid: Emissions and Generation Resource Integrated Database EPA A map of the United States that allows for the visualization of CO2 emissions by eGRID subregion. (Licensing) Platform Electricity, Environment
EJScreen: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Mapping and screening tool containing data at various geographic levels relating to environmental justice indexes and other socioeconomic, environmental, health, and climate metrics for locations in the United States, enabling users to compare their selected locations to the rest of the state, EPA region, or the nation (Licensing) Platform General
Electric Disturbance Events (OE-417) Annual Summaries DOE Datasets of US electrical disturbance events by year. (Licensing) Dataset Electricity
Electric Grid Test Cases Texas A&M University List of datasets provided by Texas A&M pertaining to electric power grids. (Licensing) Dataset Electricity
Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution - Occupational Employment Statistics Bureau of Labor Statistics Data on occupational and employment statistics in the US for electric power generation, transmission, and distribution. (Licensing) Dataset General, Electricity
Electric power substations Department of Homeland Security: Homeland Infrastructure Foundation - Level Data (HIFLD) This dataset contains the locations and attributes of electric power substations that typically correlate to electric power transmission. (Licensing) Dataset Electricity
Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Losses World Bank Data and visuals for the percent of electricity output that results in electric power transmission and distribution losses, including global and country figures (Licensing) Platform Electricity
Electric Retail Service Territories Department of Homeland Security: Homeland Infrastructure Foundation - Level Data (HIFLD) This dataset contains information regarding electric power retail service territories or more specifically those that are responsible for the retail sale of electricity to local residential, commercial, or industrial customers. (Licensing) Dataset Electricity
Electric School Bus Data World Resources Institute (WRI) This dataset tracks electric school bus (ESB) adoption across the United States. It tracks the number of “committed” ESBs at the school district level, as well as details about individual buses, including the bus manufacturer and funding source(s). (Licensing) Dataset Transportation