This collection of energy data sources and tools for data analysis was supported in part by the National Science Foundation Award No. 1937137, a collaboration among the World Resources Institute, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Electric Power Research Institute, and Duke University. We do not endorse or provide any guarantees about the data or information listed below.
Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions
Energy Data Resources
Title | Publisher | Description | Type | Topic |
Getting to Zero Buildings Database | New Buildings Institute | A database to track, analyze, and promote zero carbon buildings across North America. (Licensing) | Platform | Building |
GID-Power Emission Database | Global Infrastructure Emission Database | Global carbon dioxide and air pollutant emissions data for fossil fuel- and biomass-burning power-generating plants (Licensing) | Platform | Environment |
Global Atlas for Renewable Energy Maps | IRENA | An interactive website to search through numerous maps containing natural resource availability throughout the world. (Licensing) | Platform | General |
Global Carbon Grid | Global Infrastructure Emission Database | Carbon dioxide emissions maps for six source sectors in 2019, which includes power, industry, residential, transport, shipping, and aviation (Licensing) | Platform | Environment |
Global Climate Policy and Progress Tracking | Climate Action Tracker | A database to construct visualizations and form datasets comparing countries of indicators across the world. (Licensing) | Platform | Environment |
Global Electric Vehicle Outlook 2021 | IEA | A report that provides EV data both with current status and projected statistics for the globe (Licensing) | Platform | Transportation |
Global energy information data overview | IRENA | Global data and statistics on renewable energy capacity, generation, and energy balances. (Licensing) | Platform | General |
Global Energy Infrastructure Predictive Mapping | gridfinder | A map of the world that displays transmission lines, distribution, and electrification targets. (Licensing) | Platform | Electricity |
Global Energy Monitor | Global Energy Monitor (GEM) | List of global datasets divided by energy source and region (Licensing) | Dataset | General |
Global Energy Outlook | Resources for the Future | An interactive graph that displays global energy outlooks depending on energy type, energy sector, country or region and year. (Licensing) | Platform | General |
(Global) Energy Progress Report | Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) | A world map that provides country specific details on the percent of the population that has access to electricity, renewable energy, energy efficiency, etc. (Licensing) | Platform | General |
Global Energy Resources database | Shell | A database that offers visualizations for the world's potential for each major energy source including renewables by country. (Licensing) | Platform | General |
Global Energy Storage Database | DOE | A database that contains energy storage projects and policies listed under the DOE, (Licensing) | Platform | Storage |
Global Geothermal Power Plant Map | ThinkGeoEnergy | A map of the world that displays geothermal power plant locations. (Licensing) | Platform | Renewable Energy |
Global geothermal power plants data | European Commission, Joint Research Centre | An EU developed dataset that provides the locations worldwide of existing geothermal hotspots including highlights of the report's findings. (Licensing) | Dataset | Renewable Energy |
Global Hydropower Database | Figshare | A database of hydropower plants and their generation capacity in 134 countries. (Licensing) | Dataset | Renewable Energy |
Global Map of Coal Plants | CarbonBrief | A global map of coal power plants displaying generation figures both visually and graphically since 2000. Includes filters for closed plants, planned construction, and specifying scope of view. (Licensing) | Platform | General, Electricity |
Global Model of Electrical Transmission | A model predicting the locations of medium voltage grids in six selected African countries. (Licensing) | Dataset | Electricity | |
Global Natural Gas Atlas | Snam | A map of existing natural gas pipelines around the world. It includes specification into each region. (Licensing) | Platform | Fuel |
Global Nighttime Lights | WRI | A specific dataset within the Resource watch collection that provides an overview of light use at night across the world. (Licensing) | Platform | General |
Global offshore renewable map | 4COffshore | A map the world offering specific locations of offshore renewable energy generation sites. It includes specific information on the site once selected including owner, developer, and capacity. (Licensing) | Platform | Renewable Energy |
Global Oil & Gas Features Database | DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information | A database of oil and gas infrastructure data (Licensing) | Dataset | Fuel |
Global Power Plant Database | World Resources Institute (WRI) | The Global Power Plant Database is an open source database of power plants around the world. Each power plant is geolocated and entries contain information on plant capacity, generation, ownership, and fuel type. (Licensing) | Dataset | Electricity, Environment |
Global Renewable Energy Demand by Sector | IRENA | Two tools that provide renewable energy consumption by country, technology, and year, as well as predicted future trends. (Licensing) | Platform | Renewable Energy |
Global solar resource distribution | Global Solar Atlas | An interactive global map that provides solar potential with specific measurements available at chosen locations. (Licensing) | Platform | Renewable Energy |
Global Transportation Demand Development with Impacts on the Energy Demand and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a Climate-Constrained World | LUT University (Finland) | Global energy and emissions data for the transportation sector. (Licensing) | Dataset | Transportation |
Global wind power market intelligence platform/dataset | The Wind Power | Database containing information on the number, capacity, and further details on the world's wind turbines. Data can be broken down by country or windfarm. (Licensing) | Platform | Renewable Energy |
Global wind resource distribution | Global Wind Atlas | An interactive global map that provides wind speeds and allows for the specification of location and the layering of additional metrics. (Licensing) | Platform | Renewable Energy |
Green Building Information Gateway | US Green Building Council | A tool to help visualize and report on LEED certified green building productions across the world. (Licensing) | Platform | Building, Efficiency |
GREEND Electrical Energy Dataset | Lakeside Labs | GREEND is an energy dataset containing power measurements collected from multiple households in Austria and Italy. It provides detailed energy profiles on a per-device basis with a sampling rate of 1 Hz. (Licensing) | Dataset | Building |
Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator | EPA | A tool to help translate various daily emissions levels into understandable levels of greenhouse gas emissions. (Licensing) | Platform | Environment |
Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program | EPA | Data of greenhouse gas emissions data reported by large emission sites. (Licensing) | Platform | Environment |
Grid Emission Factors | Institute for Global Environmental Strategies | Emissions data from electrical generation at the global level for analysis and research. (Licensing) | Dataset | Electricity |
Grid emissions intensity score/impact | Watttime | An interactive system that allows the user to see how clean the electrical grid is in the US, parts of Canada, the EU and Australia. (Licensing) | Platform | Electricity |
Gridded Night Lights (India) | NOAA/SHRUG | Collection of shared datasets pertaining specifically to India including their use of lights at night over the years. (Licensing) | Platform | General |
GridKit: European and North-American extracts | University of Groningen | High voltage transmission network data for North America and Europe. (Licensing) | Dataset | Electricity |
Gulf of Mexico Oil & Gas Leases | US BOEM | A database containing information collected by the BOEM for the Gulf of Mexico in three variations: interactive maps, shapefiles, and geodatabases. (Licensing) | Platform | Fuel |
Harmonised global datasets of wind and solar farm locations and power (paper) | Nature (University of Southhampton, UK) | Academic research of global solar and wind farm locations and totals. Note that some geospatial information is not available in the open data provided. (Licensing) | Dataset | Renewable Energy |
Hourly load curve estimates 2012 and 2015 | Council on Energy, Environment, and Water (India) | Data for hourly load curve estimations in the United States excluding the North-East. (Licensing) | Dataset | Electricity |
Households with Electricity (by Country) | USAid | Global survey data about households with energy access displayed by country and global levels. (Licensing) | Platform | Access |
Hybridized Option for Modeling Input-Output Energy Systems (HOMIES) | Duke University | A large-scale input-output database of physical energy flows and monetary flows through the global economy, spanning 1995-2015 and 136 countries (Licensing) | Dataset | General |
Hydroelectric Power: Story Map (2. Hydroelectric and Nuclear Power Plants in the US) |
Ithaca Public Education Initiative | A map in Section 2 that displays the location of both hydropower and nuclear power plants in the United States. (Licensing) | Platform | Nuclear Energy, Renewable Energy |
Hydrogen Demand and Resource Analysis | NREL | An interactive map of the United States that demonstrates local and state demands and pricing for various fuel sources as well as specific detail into hydrogen potential and costs. (Licensing) | Platform | General |
Hydropower Database | International Hydropower Association | Regional and country profiles that track and report on hydropower use around the world. (Licensing) | Platform | Renewable Energy |
Hydropower Pumped Storage Tool | International Hydropower Association | This is a dataset containing the mapped out locations and statistics of the worlds hydropower dams both existing and planned. (Licensing) | Platform | Renewable Energy |
Hydropower Resources Statistical Database in Africa | African Energy Commission | A data source on hydro energy in Africa and its countries that displays dams constructed in the regions. (Licensing) | Platform | Renewable Energy |
HydroSource: Existing Hydropower Assets | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | A source on hydropower designed to help make data driven decisions on future hydropower plants in the US. (Licensing) | Dataset | Renewable Energy |
I-BLEND, a campus-scale commercial and residential buildings electrical energy dataset (India) | Nature | A dataset spanning 52 months of electrical energy from commercial and residential buildings of an academic institute in India. (Licensing) | Dataset | Building |
IEA Online Data | International Energy Agency (IEA) | This chart provides basic statistics on world energy use and consumption like primary energy supply, net energy imports, electricity consumption, CO2 emissions etc. (Licensing) | Dataset | General |
Impact of COVID-19 on Electricity Consumption and Particulate Pollution | University of Chicago | A tool to compare COVID-19 deaths and electricity demand by city, region, or country. (Licensing) | Platform | General |
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