Measures of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Across the Southeast: Recent Growth and State Trends
Electric vehicle (EV) market share is increasing and substantial public and private investment in EV charging infrastructure is rising to meet demand. This report examines recent developments across a dozen states in the Southeast.
Building an EV Workforce: A Review of Southeast Transportation Electrification Workforce Development Training Programs
With the advancement of the electric vehicle (EV) industry in the southeastern United States, from vehicle and battery manufacturing, to on-road EVs and accelerated deployment of charging stations, there is a substantial need for a skilled workforce to build and service these vehicles as well as install and maintain charging infrastructure. This study seeks to understand existing EV-specific workforce development efforts across ten states in the Southeast, and provide policy and program options for State Energy Offices, State Departments of Transportation, and other state agencies.
Trends in Electric Vehicle Charging Ports per Site in the Southeastern United States
This report provides an overview of the market trends in electric vehicle (EV) charging ports per station across 12 Southeastern states based on an analysis of charging station characteristics over the last decade. As of 2022, we identify an average of 2.3 ports per Level 2 charging station and 4.6 ports per direct current fast charging (DCFC) station in the region. The observed trend in the Level 2 market has been consistent over the study period, whereas the more complex DCFC space is characterized by much greater variability.
Development of Guidance for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Deployment: Comments in Response to RFI by the Southeast Electric Transportation Regional Initiative
These comments are in response to the Request for Information posted by the Federal Highway Administration on November 29, 2021 (Federal Register, Vol. 86, No. 226, Page 67783) opening Docket No. FHWA-2021-0022.
Vehicle Electrification: Coordinating Transportation and Power Sector Policies to Maximize Air Quality Benefits
This policy brief looks at the likely electricity demand from projections of personal electric vehicle uptake in the United States, and then suggests power sector policies to ensure reductions in air pollution from this sector even while demand increases from transportation.
Emissions Benefits of Electric Vehicles: Influencing Electricity Generation Choices
Electric vehicles (EVs) represent a new source of electricity demand and their market share is expanding at a fast pace. How electricity is generated for these vehicles will, to a large degree, determine their net emissions benefits and their value in meeting any long-term climate and environmental goals.
Southeast Electric Vehicle Regional Strategy
Throughout the Southeast, state and local leaders are recognizing the benefits of electric vehicles (EVs) and beginning to develop goals and strategies to increase EV penetration. Regional collaboration will be an important aspect of the EV build-out to truly offer expanded transportation options for families and corporate fleets, especially when travel crosses state lines.