November 18, 2020

Ways & Means Podcast Live Event: Climate Whistleblowers

Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions
Ways & Means Podcast Live Event: Climate Whistleblowers

The Ways & Means podcast​ team hosted the live Climate Whistleblowers event as a part of Duke Energy Week 2020.

Featured guests include environmental justice activist Hilton Kelley. Kelley won the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize for his work in Port Arthur, Texas. A former Hollywood stuntman, Kelley returned to his childhood home of Port Arthur to battle for environmental justice.

Located among numerous petrochemical and hazardous waste facilities on the Texas Gulf Coast, Kelley grew up in the largely African-American West Side neighborhood, which is surrounded by smokestacks from the nearby oil refineries. Many friends and relatives have suffered and died from cancer and other health concerns.

Also, Karen Torrent, policy counsel for the National Whistleblower Center, and Tim Profeta, director of the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, discuss an exciting new collaboration, the Climate Risk Disclosure Lab, which is considering ways to hold companies accountable for failing to disclose material climate risks.