Upcoming Events
ACES: A Community on Ecosystem Services Conference
Lydia Olander, program director, will be a plenary closing speaker at the 2024 ACES: A Community on Ecosystem Services conference. She and other experts from Duke University's Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability will present some of their latest work on nature-based solutions.
Plus Programs Information Fair
Discover +Programs' 2025 summer projects and learn more about how you as an undergrad or grad/PhD student can participate! Project leads for 2025 will be available to discuss their projects. Applications open in January 2025.
Plus Programs run 10 weeks over the summer and are composed of small project teams working on real world solutions using data science, programming, coding, and analysis. Explore the Climate+ projects, part of the broader Data+ program and offered by the Nicholas Institute in partnership with the Rhodes Information Initiative at Duke.
Southeast Electric Transportation Regional Initiative (SETRI) April 2025 Meeting
This in-person event from the Southeast Transportation Electric Regional Initiative (SETRI) will bring together a multisector network to highlight successes, opportunities, and challenges in advancing electric mobility activities and collaboration across the Southeast. The meeting will feature a presenter talks, moderated roundtable discussion, and opportunities for networking. A virtual option will be available for the morning session.
Registration coming soon.