Upcoming Events
Energy in Emerging Markets Case Competition
Graduate students worldwide are invited to compete in the 12th Energy in Emerging Markets Case Competition, sponsored by the Duke Fuqua MBA Energy Club and the James E. Rogers Energy Access Project at Duke University. The Competition is part Energy Week at Duke University which brings industry experts, community organizers, government officials, and students to discuss the energy-climate nexus and explore the ways in which energy both contributes to climate change and can be a major solution.
Southeast Electric Transportation Regional Initiative (SETRI) Quarterly Meeting
Fall 2024 virtual Southeast Electric Transportation Regional Initiative (SETRI) Meeting focused on regional transportation electrification updates and informational resources.
"Our Movement Starts Here" Film Screening
Join the Duke Human Rights Center for a screening of the film "Our Movement Starts Here," the first film in the 2024-2025 Rights! Camera! Action! Film Series. "Our Movement Starts Here" is a feature-length documentary film (82 mins) that chronicles the story of a rural, majority Black, community in North Carolina that made history in 1982 by fighting the state’s toxic landfill and consequently sparked the environmental justice movement. Co-sponsored in part by Just Environments.
Summit for Ocean Stewards featuring Dr. Sylvia Earle
Register to attend the Summit for Ocean Stewards (SOS) and take part in a conversation with Dr. Sylvia Earle (Duke A.M.’56, Ph.D.’66), renowned marine biologist, trailblazing oceanographer, and passionate activist. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis for this student-organized event and is free to all Duke affiliates including students, alumni, faculty, and staff!
2024 STRIDE Collaborative Annual Partners Meeting
Nicholas Institute expert Trey Gowdy will speak on a panel titled "Building the Workforce of Tomorrow" on Wednesday, Sept. 18, 3-4:30 p.m. during the Southeastern Team Reducing the Impacts of Diesel Emissions (STRIDE) Collaborative Annual Partners Meeting. This in-person conference will feature speakers on a variety of topics including: electrification, alternative fuels, funding for projects that reduce diesel emissions, ports, environmental justice, and more!
Climate, Resilience and Mobility: A Duke Climate Collaboration Symposium
Floods, droughts, storms, sea-level rise, changing rainfall and rising temperatures intensify the fragility and vulnerability of communities, particularly in the developing world. Some will adapt by migrating. Others may become trapped, lacking the resources to move.
The Science of Risk
This event will feature the findings of a recent 100+ person summit that brought together insurers, academics, regulators and others to forge a common climate research agenda. Leading academic researchers from Duke University and the University of Georgia will outline the consensus priority topics identified and seek audience input on how to refine them further. Don't miss this opportunity to literally shape the industry’s climate agenda.
Scaling Debt-for-Nature Swaps to Tackle Debt, Climate, and Biodiversity
Join us for coffee and a light breakfast followed by a one-hour panel discussion, moderated by executive in residence Elizabeth Losos, examining opportunities and obstacles involved in maximizing the future potential of debt-for-nature swaps. Afterward, connect with speakers and attendees at a networking reception.
ARPA-E on the Road: Research Triangle
The Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) and RTI International invite you to a transformative event that brings together leaders from academia, industry, and government to explore the future of energy innovation. Whether you’re a researcher, an industry expert, a policymaker, or simply passionate about the future of clean energy, this event offers a unique opportunity to engage with the cutting edge of energy R&D.
This engaging afternoon will include:
Misunderstanding the Law & Politics of the Energy Transition
Join the Nicholas Institute and the Nicholas School for a talk by David Spence (University of Texas at Austin), author of Climate of Contempt: Rescuing the U.S. Energy Transition from Voter Partisanship (Columbia University Press, 2024). Open to all.
Catalyzing Climate Connections: Researcher Forum
Faculty, research staff, postdocs and grad students are encouraged to join climate researchers from across the university and health system to open dialogues and avenues of collaboration. This event is sponsored by the Office of Climate & Sustainability and the Climate Commitment Advisory Council. Learn more and RSVP: duke.is/ccc-forum
Energy Week at Duke University
Save the dates for the 9th annual Energy Week at Duke University: November 11–15! Students, faculty, and industry professionals will be brought together for a week of energy events to promote collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and professional networking.
Duke University Energy Conference
Mark your calendars for the 16th annual Duke University Energy Conference on November 13, 2024! The Energy Conference is part of Energy Week at Duke University and this year’s event will explore the opportunities and obstacles associated with advancing the energy transition amid societal changes and unknowns.
Join hundreds of attendees from various backgrounds at the Fuqua School of Business for keynote conversations, panel discussions, networking opportunities, and interactive sessions focused on concrete, cross-disciplinary solutions to modern energy challenges.
Invented at Duke 2024
Duke’s Office for Translation & Commercialization is inviting students, staff, faculty, alumni, and the public to the 6th Invented at Duke, a special Centennial edition of the annual celebration and showcase of Duke inventors and inventions. There will be remarks from President Price, head of OTC Robin Rasor, and featured speaker U.S. Commissioner of Food and Drugs Dr. Robert M. Califf beginning at 5:30 p.m.
ACES: A Community on Ecosystem Services Conference
Lydia Olander, program director, will be a plenary closing speaker at the ACES: A Community on Ecosystem Services conference.