Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions

Spring 2014 Seminar Series: Susan Christopherson (CANCELLED)

Date and Time
Friday, February 14, 2014 - 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.


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*This event is cancelled. It will be rescheduled for the fall.

Susan Christopherson of Cornell University will present a talk titled "Shale Gas and Oil Industrialization: How U.S. Communities Assess the Risks and Costs" at Duke University Feb. 14.

The variety of settings in which high volume hydraulic fracturing natural gas and oil development may occur complicates the task of systematically assessing regional risks and impacts. This talk will look at what we know historically about the natural resource development cycle and what it means for local and regional economies, and what our existing knowledge implies for planning and the design of policies that will address the social and economic risks and costs associated with unconventional fossil fuel development, and sustain drilling communities beyond the boom-bust cycle over the long term.

This talk is part of the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions and the University Program in Environmental Policy seminar series featuring leading experts discussing a variety of pressing environmentally focused topics.