Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions
Duke Environmental Impacts Fellow Program
Jeremy Ashton

Duke Environmental Impacts Fellow Program

Helping doctoral students become agents of change

Part of the ANGLES Network

The Duke Environmental Impacts Fellow Program (EIF) was a professional development program piloted during the 2019-20 academic year for Duke PhD students keen on making a high impact in their careers. The program aimed to fill a gap in traditional PhD training by providing an opportunity for students to consider the full variety of potential career paths they might follow, including nonacademic or nontraditional academic positions. The program offered trainings focused on leadership, teaching, communication, and engagement to enhance students’ critical thinking and leadership skills. Participants gained a broadened view of their career options, and were prepared to be thought-leaders inside and outside the academy.

Duke Environmental Impacts Fellow Program


Program Supporters

Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability
Nicholas School
Duke Divinity School
Duke Trinity College of Arts and Sciences
Sanford School of Public Policy
Duke Pratt School of Engineering