Daniel Raimi, a 2012 graduate of Duke’s Sanford School of Public Policy and former research associate with the Duke University Energy Initiative, will speak about his new book The Fracking Debate: The Risks, Benefits, and Uncertainties of the Shale Revolution from 4-5 p.m. ET on January 25.
From 2013 to 2016, Raimi traveled to every major oil- and gas-producing region of the United States to investigate the local impacts of increased domestic shale production. Along the way, he met hundreds of people and gathered dozens of stories from the oilfield.
The Fracking Debate (Columbia University Press) combines these stories with an in-depth, accessible, and balanced examination of the current state of research on the most commonly asked questions related to fracking. The Fracking Debate provides answers for anyone interested in the big questions of the shale revolution, and the tools to understand future developments and controversies.
After the talk, you can head down to the first floor of Gross Hall, where the January Energy Mix will be starting up. Never been to an Energy Mix? Triangle-area energy professionals will join Duke University students, faculty and staff for food, drink, and networking. Raimi will be signing books at the Energy Mix, and copies will be available for purchase (credit or check only) from Duke University’s Gothic Bookshop.
The book talk and Energy Mix are co-sponsored by the Duke University Energy Initiative and the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions. Free parking will be available in the Chemistry Lot on Science Drive starting at 3:30 p.m. Registration is required, as seating is limited.