Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions

Housing Is Where the Health Is

Date and Time
Thursday, December 10, 2020 - 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Online Webinar
Housing Is Where the Health Is


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This discussion will investigate the interconnectedness of one’s home and their health. Housing can be linked to a wide variety of systemic inequalities, including health outcomes. These outcomes and inequalities are exacerbated during COVID-19, when people are spending more time in their homes than ever before.

Low-income housing is often hit hardest by severe weather storms and may lack the resources to properly rebuild. These communities are also more often exposed to pollutants, usually near power plants, refineries or busy roadways. Additionally, water contamination threatens families’ ability to stay healthy.

Environmental justice seeks to point out these compounding factors, which lead to widening gaps in economic, health and racial inequalities in the United States. Successfully addressing the issue of environmental justice requires a holistic approach informed by transparency, data collection, and leadership of voices from frontline community organizations.

In this conversation, our panelists will use their research in housing markets, natural disaster resilience and environmental pollutants to examine the problems as well as possible policy solutions.


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Kay Jowers - Senior Policy Associate, State Policy Program, Duke University Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions

Lala Ma - Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky Gatton College of Business and Economics

Christopher D. Timmins - Professor of Economics, Duke University Department of Economics

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