How and why does the petroleum industry extract oil and gas from deepwater (beyond 1,300-foot depths)? And how long will it last? During 2007-2012, 50 percent of the 170 billion barrels of global conventional oil (and gas equivalent) discovered by industry was in deepwater. Global output from these depths is projected to double by 2030, to 14 million barrels/day. This presentation will explain the history of petroleum extraction beyond the edge of the continental shelf and discuss its implications for the future of energy.
Registration is required for this event, as seating is limited.
Duke University’s Energy Transition Speaker Series brings leading experts to campus to engage with students, faculty and the broader community on the pursuit of affordable, accessible, reliable and clean energy. The first round of speakers will focus on the oil and gas industry as it works through the technological, economic, and environmental dimensions of operating today and in the future. Sponsored by the Duke University Energy Initiative in partnership with the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions.