Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions

Payments for forest-based ecosystem services from private lands in the United States

Date and Time
Tuesday, June 8, 2021 - 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.


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In this National Ecosystem Services Partnership (NESP) webinar, hear from Gregory Frey at the U.S. Forest Service, who will present on an effort to account, estimate, and document the full extent of direct payments for ecosystem services to private forest landowners in the United States. This includes payments derived from markets, subsidies, and hybrid approaches, from both governmental and non-governmental sources. Frey will discuss the magnitude and trends in payments by program type and ecosystem service supported. He will share details about which markets and payment programs have increased and decreased in size and scope over the past decade, and which U.S. states and regions have higher or lower payments connected to different forest ecosystem service categories.