WATCH: Latinx Voices: Climate Change Up Close
While climate change is a universal issue, did you know its effects are experienced differently across our nation and the world? Furthermore, climate change also impacts communities differently, with some more negatively affected than others. According to a 2018 Latino Decisions poll, members of our Hispanic/Latinx communities are more likely to report that they have personally experienced the effects of climate change where they live.
Hear from experts as they share their knowledge from the field, motivations for addressing climate change, and how this challenging issue is more than a problem for science; it's also personal. Join Duke University Hispanic/Latino Alumni Association (DUHLAA) to learn about the myriad ways climate change impacts our daily lives, the personal stories that live therein, and strategies for how we can combat it together. Presentation with moderated Q&A.
- Dr. Luana Lima, Associate Director for Educational Programs within the Duke University Energy Initiative and Visiting Professor of Environmental Sciences
- Policy Cristina Martinez '16, Park Ranger
- Rafaela Moura M.I.D.P.'12, Author/Senior Advisor for US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Ricardo Duque M.B.A.'06, Vice President Channel Strategy Americas, Vertiv Corporation; DUHLAA Co-Chair (moderator)