Elizabeth Littlefield
Senior Counselor, Albright Stonebridge Group
Elizabeth L. Littlefield is the former President and CEO of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the US Government’s Development Finance Institution, appointed by President Obama in 2009. OPIC manages a $24 billion portfolio of financing for private investment in developing nations. Under her leadership, OPIC’s commitments to renewable resources investments witnessed a ten-fold increase, African investments, a five-fold increase and she undertook far reaching institutional strengthening.
Currently, Littlefield is a Senior Counselor at Albright Stonebridge Group, where she draws on decades of experience in private sector investment in developing markets to help ASG clients navigate the global marketplace. She also serves on a number of boards, including the World Wildlife Fund and M-Kopa.
From 2000 until 2010, Littlefield was CEO of Consultative Group to Assist the Poor, a World Bank consortium dedicated to advancing access to financial services. Prior to joining CGAP in 1999, Littlefield was JP Morgan’s Managing Director in charge of capital markets and financing in emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa, among other positions such as head of developing country debt trading. During 1989-1990, she lived and worked in West and Central Africa setting up microfinance institutions.