Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions
Philip Hollingsworth

Philip Hollingsworth


Senior Program Coordinator


Philip Hollingsworth is the senior program coordinator focusing on programming related to the external engagement pillar of the Duke Climate Commitment and the Climate Leaders in Residence Program. Prior to his work at the Nicholas Institute, Hollingsworth worked in faculty support programming at the Institute for the Arts & Humanities at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has 10 years of experience in teaching and received his PhD in Spanish and Spanish American literary studies.

Philip recommends:

Hell of a Book (2021) by Jason Mott

This National Book Award–winning novel the deftly explores the intersection of self, race, art, and contemporary American society. It is thought-provoking and profound while maintaining a playful and funny postmodern style. Plus, Mott is from eastern North Carolina!

Solaris (1972) dir. Andrei Tarkovsky

Often labelled as a Soviet companion to Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Solaris is a visually impressive science fiction film in which a psychologist is sent to a Russian space station to solve the mystery of the crew having gone insane.