Nature Activation Hub Partners

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Collaboration makes the Nature Activation Hub’s work more robust and durable. The hub works with partners across Duke University and with state and federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, and external networks of researchers and practitioners. Learn about our current partners:

Within Duke University

The Nature Activation Hub team is collaborating with renowned Duke experts in policy, finance, law, engineering, and ecology to strengthen the university’s capacity for advancing nature-based solutions. Key partner organizations within Duke include:

Duke Forest


Duke Wetland and Coasts Center

Natural Resources Finance Initiative

Nicholas School of the Environment

Pratt School of Engineering


External Networks

The Nature Activation Hub is engaged in several national networks of researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers who exchange knowledge, share resources, and often collaborate on projects related to maximizing nature’s benefits.

Networks we lead:

National Ecosystem Services Partnership

Resilience Roadmap

Networks we participate in:

The Conservation Finance Network

Network for Engineering with Nature

Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center