Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions
March 2006

A Silent Tsunami

A Silent Tsunami

Few issues matter more to public health, economic opportunity and environmental integrity than the availability of clean water and sanitation. With the 4th World Water Forum schedule for Mexico City in March 2006, the Aspen Institute and the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions conducted a multi-stakeholder dialogue to help highlight the importance of global water issues, suggest steps to provide services more rapidly and effectively and to identify and draw attention to constructive ways the U.S. government and other U.S. participants can take part in the Forum. 

In April 2005 a distinguished group of leaders from business, government and environmental and other non-governmental organizations met for two and a half days at the Aspen Institute's Wye River Conference Center to learn from each other, to explore the sometimes competing values underlying policy disagreements, and to consider appropriate responses to the challenges identified. Their expertise was matched by their commitment to discover and implement solutions to the world's water challenge. This report is a summary of their conclusions.