Ocean and Coastal Policy Program director John Virdin will share his expertise on the so-called blue economy at several side events at the Ocean Conference, the high-level United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. The conference will be convened at United Nations Headquarters in New York, June 5–9, coinciding with World Oceans Day, June 8.
Virdin will serve as a panelist at three side events: Financing for the Blue Economy in Small Island Developing States, sponsored by Grenada and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (June 5, 11 a.m.), Adopting the Blue Economy: A Viable Path to Sustainable Development in Small Island Developing States, sponsored by Grenada, the Netherlands, Cabo Verde, and the Food and Agriculture Organization (June 5, 1:15 p.m.), and Blue Bioeconomy in Small Island States and SDG 14 (June 8, 6:15 p.m.).