Beach and Dune Restoration

Beach restoration in the Gulf of Mexico aims to replace sand that erodes from a beach. It is usually completed by dredging offshore sand and adding it onto the beach. Finding a similar grain size to the sand that is already in the beach/dune system is the most important consideration when adding sand dredged from offshore because the wrong sized sand grains can be easily re-dispersed due to wave action specific to an area. Beach restoration, beach replenishment, beach nourishment, and beach renourishment are all terms used to refer to this action.
Dune restoration also aims to offset sand erosion but may also include increasing dune size and resilience. There are three major types of dune stabilization techniques: importing dredged sand from offshore to build up the dune, planting grasses or other plants to secure the sand, and installing fencing along the dune on both the seaward and landward sides of the dune. Planting and fencing projects are often referred to as dune stabilization practices, but all three techniques fall under the umbrella of dune restoration. Planting and fencing projects are often less expensive than building up the dune. The most successful restoration projects use all three techniques to add redundancy.
Outcomes & Metrics
Outcomes for project types may be strongly or weakly linked, or if not labeled as such, not designated. Resilience-linked outcomes are marked with "R."
See all GEMS metrics, including full descriptions. Click on any metric below to jump directly to its details.
Strongly-linked outcomes:
Project Metrics
Program Metrics
Cultural Values - Knowledge (R)
Project Metrics:
Cultural Values - Other (R)
Project Metrics:
Program Metrics:
Economic Activity - Local Business (R)
Project Metrics:
Economic Activity - Recreation and Tourism (R)
Project Metrics:
Program Metrics:
Economic Activity - Restoration/Intervention (R)
Project Metrics:
Program Metrics:
Human Health - Mental Health & Psychological Well-Being (R)
Project Metrics:
Property Protection & Value - Property Protection (Flooding) (R)
Project Metrics:
Property Protection & Value - Property Value (R)
Project Metrics:
Social Disruption - Due to Project or Flooding (R)
Project Metrics:
Weakly-linked outcomes:
Project Metrics
Program Metrics
Human Health - Drownings and Other Injuries
Project Metrics: