Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions
Ecosystem Service Logic Model

Boat Ramps

Geographic Context
Project Type
Boat Ramps credit Monroe County BOCC

Typically boat ramp projects entail either repairing existing boat ramps or constructing new boat ramps. These projects are meant to increase access to public waterways, offshore areas, and inaccessible campgrounds. Ramp construction or repair often involves removing sediment and water to put in place the underwater part of the ramp and then attaching concrete slabs. 

Outcomes & Metrics

Outcomes for project types may be strongly or weakly linked, or if not labeled as such, not designated. Resilience-linked outcomes are marked with "R."

See all GEMS metrics, including full descriptions. Click on any metric below to jump directly to its details.

Strongly-linked outcomes:


Project Metrics

Program Metrics


Cultural Values - Other (R)


Economic Activity - Restoration/Intervention (R)


Human Health - Mental Health & Psychological Well-Being (R)


Property Protection & Value - Property Value (R)

Weakly-linked outcomes:


Project Metrics

Program Metrics


Property Protection & Value - Property Protection (Erosion) (R)