Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions
Ecosystem Service Logic Model

Fishing Piers

Geographic Context
Project Type
Fishing pier credit Simon Rumi

Fishing piers are installed to improve access to coastal waterfront areas, generally beaches. Fishing piers can increase access to fishing and wildlife viewing. There are several different ways to construct, restore, or enhance the central body of the pier however, central to all pier construction is the installation of load-bearing piles in the benthos to anchor the main body of the pier. Successful projects improve accessibility to the waterfront, facilitating increased coastal- based anthropogenic activity in the areas around the pier. Pier projects are popular across all Gulf states and are particularly frequent throughout Florida.

Outcomes & Metrics

Outcomes for project types may be strongly or weakly linked, or if not labeled as such, not designated. Resilience-linked outcomes are marked with "R."

See all GEMS metrics, including full descriptions. Click on any metric below to jump directly to its details.

Strongly-linked outcomes:


Project Metrics

Program Metrics


Cultural Values - Other (R)


Economic Activity - Restoration/Intervention (R)


Human Health - Mental Health & Psychological Well-Being (R)


Property Protection & Value - Property Value (R)