Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions
Ecosystem Service Logic Model

Seagrass Restoration

Geographic Context
Project Type
Carbon sequestration in sea grass image credit NOAA/Claire Fackler

Seagrass restoration projects in the Gulf of Mexico include transplanting seagrass into restoration sites (very common), seeding seagrass (less common, newer technique), and modifying sediment to facilitate seagrass growth (usually used in combination with transplanting or seeding). Many seagrass restoration projects in the Gulf of Mexico, especially in Florida, are done to mitigate seagrass loss due to development, as required by the Clean Water Act. Some projects attempt to benefit seagrass by addressing water quality issues.

Outcomes & Metrics

Outcomes for project types may be strongly or weakly linked, or if not labeled as such, not designated. Resilience-linked outcomes are marked with "R."

See all GEMS metrics, including full descriptions. Click on any metric below to jump directly to its details.

Strongly-linked outcomes:


Project Metrics

Program Metrics


Cultural Values - Other (R)


Economic Activity - Restoration/Intervention (R)


Human Health - Mental Health & Psychological Well-Being (R)


Human Health - Waterborne Disease (R)


Property Protection & Value - Property Protection (Erosion) (R)


Social Cost of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (R)