Last month, U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry issued a proposal to establish reliability and resilience pricing for certain power plants in RTO markets for consideration by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
The webinar "DOE's Directive to FERC on Baseload Resources: Understanding the Legal and Market Implications" will unpack this Department of Energy proposal and discuss the legal and market implications for FERC and PJM. Designed for state regulators and hosted by the Great Plains Institute and Duke University's Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, the webinar took place 1-2:30 p.m. ET on Thursday, October 19.
Speakers include:
- Ari Peskoe, Senior fellow at the Harvard Environmental Policy Initiative
- Paul Sotkiewicz, President, E-Cubed Associates. Former Chief Economist, PJM Interconnection
- Slides (PDF): DOE NOPR: Examining Market and Reliability Implications
Presented by: