Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions

Evidence-Based Decision-Making (Principle #10)

Date and Time
Wednesday, April 13, 2022 - 12 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. GMT
Sustainable Infrastructure: From Principles to Practice webinar series flier


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This webinar in the Sustainable Infrastructure: Putting Principle into Practice series explores Principle #10 from UNEP's International Good Practice Principles for Sustainable Infrastructure: Evidence-Based Decision-Making.

In the technical presentation, Savina Carluccio (International Coalition for Sustainable Infrastructure) presents on “Exploring evidence-based decision-making for climate resilient infrastructure systems.” Edgar Westerhof (Arcadis) then delivers a case presentation on “Urban strategies for climate resilience–innovative approaches from New York City and Rotterdam.” As always, the session includes interactive activities such as polling, breakout sessions, and Q&As to allow an exchange with the presenters and your colleagues.