Tactical Recovery Accumulation System Hellas (CLEAN TRASH)
Effectiveness or Ecological Impact
The maximum garbage capacity is 890 kg (CLEAN TRASH Marine Litter Collection System, 2018).
In 38 days, it collected 1175 kg of trash. It has 95% efficiency, 87% microplastic reductionrate, and 28% macroplastic reduction rate (Gkanasos et al., 2021).
Strong winds and high waves can carry big litter away and potentially danger the environment around the technology (Gkanasos et al., 2021).
CLEAN TRASH Marine Litter Collection System (Global). (2018, August 16). [Interactive Resource]. New Naval; Net Media. https://www.oilspillresponse.gr/service/1/new-naval-tactical-recovery-accumulation-system-hellas-trash
Gkanasos, A., Tsiaras, K., Triantaphyllidis, G., Panagopoulos, A., Pantazakos, G., Owens, T., Karametsis, C., Pollani, A., Nikoli, E., Katsafados, N., & Triantafyllou, G. (2021). Stopping Macroplastic and Microplastic Pollution at Source by Installing Novel Technologies in River Estuaries and Waste Water Treatment Plants: The CLAIM Project. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2021.738876