Beat the Heat: Cooling Strategies to Stay Safe

Developing a heat action plan or communicating about extreme heat with your community? This graphic includes actions that people can take to cool off with or without an air-conditioned environment. You have our permission to incorporate this graphic from the Heat Policy Innovation Hub as long as you do not alter it.

Vertical (English, .PNG)

Beat the Heat: Cooling Strategies to Stay Safe infographic. Infographic on signs of heat-related illness and cooling strategies you can use to stay safe, with or without access to air conditioning. Screen reader-compatible PDF file available at


Vertical (español, .PNG)

Beat the Heat: Cooling Strategies to Stay Safe infographic - Spanish: Combatir el calor: estrategias para refrescarse y mantenerse seguro. Infografía sobre signos de enfermedades relacionadas con el calor y estrategias para refrescarse que puede utilizar para mantenerse seguro, con o sin acceso al aire acondicionado. Archivo PDF compatible con lector de pantalla disponible en



Square (English, .PNG):

Beat the Heat: Cooling Strategies to Stay Safe infographic. Infographic on signs of heat-related illness and cooling strategies you can use to stay safe, with or without access to air conditioning. Screen reader-compatible PDF file available at


Cuadrada (español, .PNG):

Beat the Heat: Cooling Strategies to Stay Safe infographic - Spanish: Combatir el calor: estrategias para refrescarse y mantenerse seguro. Infografía sobre signos de enfermedades relacionadas con el calor y estrategias para refrescarse que puede utilizar para mantenerse seguro, con o sin acceso al aire acondicionado. Archivo PDF compatible con lector de pantalla disponible en




ENGLISH: Infographic on signs of heat-related illness and cooling strategies you can use to stay safe, with or without access to air conditioning. Screen reader-compatible PDF file available at

ESPAÑOL: Infografía sobre signos de enfermedades relacionadas con el calor y estrategias para refrescarse que puede utilizar para mantenerse seguro, con o sin acceso al aire acondicionado. Archivo PDF compatible con lector de pantalla disponible en

Screen reader-compatible:


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