Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions
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In late July 2023, the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission released its much-anticipated rule on interconnection reform, Order 2023. This policy brief explores a deeper reform option known as connect and manage. This less restrictive interconnection approach could speed the deployment of resources in a way that can be managed after their integration with the grid, leading to a larger volume of interconnected generation capacity without sacrificing reliability.
The brief:
- summarizes connect and manage in relationship to existing interconnection procedures and reviews foundational issues with current processes not addressed by Order 2023,
- identifies opportunities to improve energy-only interconnection procedures and potential solutions to manage attendant complications with curtailment risk and hybrid resources, and
- discusses linkages of interconnection, transmission planning, and competitive procurement in alignment with a connect and manage approach, particularly in jurisdictions not governed by independent system operator/regional transmission organizations (ISO/RTOs).
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