What Have We Learned About Job Creation and Fisheries Projects?
The World Bank’s Jobs and Economic Transformation agenda supports creating more and better jobs in lower- and middle-income countries, including recognizing positive labor externalities. Fisheries fall into this category because they can help maintain jobs and incomes by absorbing some excess unskilled labor and providing a safety net for vulnerable households.
As part of a recent Learning Engagement, the Independent Evaluation Group and the Jobs Group of the World Bank collaborated to review existing evidence as a means of identifying ways to maximize potential job benefits in fisheries projects. John Virdin, director of the Ocean and Coastal Policy Program at the Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability, captured findings from the collaboration in a Learning Engagement Note published in December 2022.
Virdin and Raian Divanbeigi (World Bank) summarize the findings in a blog post published by the World Bank Independent Evaluation Group.