January 11, 2023

What Have We Learned About Job Creation and Fisheries Projects?

Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions

The World Bank’s Jobs and Economic Transformation agenda supports creating more and better jobs in lower- and middle-income countries, including recognizing positive labor externalities. Fisheries fall into this category because they can help maintain jobs and incomes by absorbing some excess unskilled labor and providing a safety net for vulnerable households.

As part of a recent Learning Engagement, the Independent Evaluation Group and the Jobs Group of the World Bank collaborated to review existing evidence as a means of identifying ways to maximize potential job benefits in fisheries projects. John Virdin, director of the Ocean and Coastal Policy Program at the Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability, captured findings from the collaboration in a Learning Engagement Note published in December 2022. 

Virdin and Raian Divanbeigi (World Bank) summarize the findings in a blog post published by the World Bank Independent Evaluation Group. 

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