The Urgent Need for Climate Resilience Action
The Biden-Harris Administration’s ambitious commitment to tackle the climate crisis offers a timely and unprecedented opportunity to address this need—mobilizing the government and the American people to build greater climate resilience through new, high-quality jobs, guided by principles of equity and environmental justice to fuel lasting economic growth and national security. The Resilience Roadmap project seeks to seize upon this opportunity by offering actionable recommendations to inform the federal government’s national resilience efforts.
Developing Key Performance Indicators for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Planning
Recommends a common approach to developing key performance indicators (KPIs) for climate change adaptation and resilience planning, drawing upon current science and tools referenced throughout. The work is particularly aimed to support climate adaptation and resilience planning by US federal agencies and thus presents principally US national-level data and online resources. The approach is broadly applicable across agencies, sectors, and systems and can also be applied by state or local planners and adaptation/resilience practitioners.
Building Climate-Resilient Communities for All: Suggested Next Steps for Federal Action in the US
Under President Biden, the federal government has made climate resilience a priority and has already committed more executive action, capacity, information resources, and funding to it than any previous administration. And yet, these historic efforts are not enough as the effects of climate change grow more intense across the United States and the world. This policy brief follows up on Resilience Roadmap’s original recommendations to suggest three catalytic steps for amplifying existing executive and legislative resilience-building actions.
Biden-Harris Administration Actions on Climate Resilience
Created by the Resilience Roadmap Project, this document summarizes actions taken so far by the Biden-Harris Administration on climate resilience. Updated December 2021.
Resilience Glossary
This glossary of resilience-relevant terms was pulled together from U.S. federal government sources. In some cases, multiple definitions for a single term were identified.