Events - Katie Warnell
All times U.S. ET unless noted.
2024 National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration
Nicholas Institute experts Sara Mason, Lydia Olander, and Katie Warnell are participating in the National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration (NCER) this year. NCER is a premier gathering of ecosystem restoration professionals from across the country, featuring four days of presentations dedicated to both small and large scale ecosystem restoration.
Enhancing Conservation Benefits for People and Nature in North Carolina: Introducing Two New Online Tools
Conservation organizations and land trusts in North Carolina are increasingly focused on how their work can 1) contribute to humans’ and ecosystems’ resilience and adaptation to climate change and 2) directly mitigate climate change through carbon storage and sequestration.
In response, the Conservation Trust for North Carolina and the Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability at Duke University have developed two online tools to help organizations to consider a broad suite of conservation benefits in their work in North Carolina.
2022 A Community on Ecosystem Services (ACES) Conference
Nicholas Institute experts will present some of their latest work and discuss the National Ecosystem Services Partnership during the ACES conference.
Piloting Natural Capital Accounts for the United States
Natural capital accounting provides a way to integrate the value of ecosystem services into national economic reporting systems and is increasingly being adopted around the world.
Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Service Logic Models and Socio-Economic Indicators (GEMS) Webinar
The Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Service Logic Models and Socio-Economic Indicators (GEMS) project was a three-year effort to advance standardized socio-economic metrics. The project team will discuss the models, metrics, protocols, and web-based tools that were developed.
GEMS Project and Products
This webinar will share results of the Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Service Logic Models and Socio-Economic Indicators (GEMS) project, which aims to advance standardized socio-economic metrics that encompass the broad environmental, social and economic goals of restoration success shared by many institutions across the Gulf. We will discuss the models, metrics, protocols, and web-based tools that were developed throughout this 3-year project with input from a large group of experts and stakeholders.
GEMS Metrics Webinar: Funding
This webinar is one of a 3-part series to share results of the Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Service Logic Models and Socio-Economic Indicators (GEMS) project, which aims to advance standardized socio-economic metrics that encompass the broad environmental, social and economic goals of restoration success shared by many institutions across the Gulf. In a set of three webinars, we will discuss the models, metrics, protocols, and web-based tools that were developed throughout this 3-year project with input from a large group of experts and stakeholders.
GEMS Metrics Webinar: Monitoring
This webinar is one of a 3-part series to share results of the Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Service Logic Models and Socio-Economic Indicators (GEMS) project, which aims to advance standardized socio-economic metrics that encompass the broad environmental, social and economic goals of restoration success shared by many institutions across the Gulf. In a set of three webinars, we will discuss the models, metrics, protocols, and web-based tools that were developed throughout this 3-year project with input from a large group of experts and stakeholders.
GEMS Metrics Webinar: Planning
This webinar is one of a 3-part series to share results of the Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Service Logic Models and Socio-Economic Indicators (GEMS) project, which aims to advance standardized socio-economic metrics that encompass the broad environmental, social and economic goals of restoration success shared by many institutions across the Gulf. In a set of three webinars, we will discuss the models, metrics, protocols, and web-based tools that were developed throughout this 3-year project with input from a large group of experts and stakeholders.
Coastal Habitat Learning Series
Join the Pew Charitable Trusts, Duke University's Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, and the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries for a discussion of how coastal habitats contribute to coastal protection and blue carbon storage, and the ways in which states are utilizing this information for climate and coastal management planning.
Blue Carbon Mapping and Inventorying
Panelists from the US Climate Alliance, the World Resources Institute, and Duke University will discuss their efforts to include blue carbon as part of greenhouse gas inventories and resource maps.
RESCHEDULED – Gulf of Mexico Alliance Virtual Tools Cafe
The Gulf of Mexico Alliance's virtual tools cafe, “Tool Time with Dave,” offers an opportunity to learn about the latest tools and resources for the Gulf of Mexico through interactive demonstrations.
National Coastal and Estuarine Virtual Summit
Nicholas Institute policy associate Katie Warnell will speak about mapping coastal protection and carbon storage for climate and resiliency planning during the National Coastal and Estuarine Summit.
NESP Ecosystem Services Toolkit Tour
The National Ecosystem Services Partnership (NESP) was formed over a decade ago to create a national network for sharing ecosystem services information, to establish pathways for implementation of ecosystem services concepts, and to help integrate ecosystem services information into decision-making.
Piloting Ecosystem Accounts for the Southeastern U.S.
Hear from Ken Bagstad (USGS), Katie Warnell (Duke University), Charles Rhodes (TBD Economics), and Marc Russell (US EPA) about "Testing ecosystem accounting in the United States: A case study for the Southeast" [DOI link] that details the first effort to develop Ecosystem Accounts for the U.S. at a broad scale. The team will describe the potential for U.S.
POSTPONED — 2020 Natural Capital Symposium
The Natural Capital Symposium is a major convening of leaders advancing the science and practice of incorporating nature’s diverse values into decisions. Each year, participants representing universities, NGOs, businesses, governments, multi-lateral development banks, and other institutions learn about and share their own experiences advancing the frontiers of science, the development and application of practical tools and approaches, and how natural capital understanding is being used today to transform decisions.
Southeast CASC Regional Science Symposium
At the Southeast CASC Regional Science Symposium, Lydia Olander will co-organize a session on Ecosystem Services linking climate change and ecosystem services research, and Katie Warnell will speak about mapping coastal resilience and coastal blue carbon in North Carolina. The Symposium takes place November 13-15, 2019, in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Annual Conference
Katie Warnell will be speaking on “Use of ecosystem services mapping for wildlife conservation in SEAFWA states“ at the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Annual Conference, October 29 at 3:20 pm, in Hilton Head, SC.
Opportunities to Create, Report, and Use Natural Capital Accounts
Katie Warnell, policy associate at Duke University's Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, will speak during the session "Opportunities to Create, Report, and Use Natural Capital Accounts" on Wednesday, December 5, at the 2018 A Community on Ecosystem Services Conference (ACES).