Events - Plastics Policy
All times U.S. ET unless noted.
Launch of the 2023 OECD U.S. Environmental Performance Review (EPR)
In the first U.S. Environmental Performance Review (EPR) since 2005, the launch of the 2023 OECD U.S. EPR will look at recent environmental trends in the U.S., with a specific focus on marine litter. Join the OECD Washington Center, OECD Environment, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on June 22 (9:30-10:30 a.m.) and attend this launch in person or virtually. John Virdin (Nicholas Institute) will be among the experts speaking at the launch.
SIDS Talk Plastics: Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): Lessons from Developing Countries
The Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) is hosting a webinar providing insights on EPR schemes to address plastic pollution, with case studies from developing countries. Featuring technical and legal experts, including the Nicholas Institute's Rachel Karasik.
From Enzymes to Art, From Fashion to Policy: Generating Transdisciplinary Solutions for the Plastics Crisis
From enzymes to the arts, from fashion to policy, Revolution Plastics brings together diverse approaches. Lunch and learn, or join by Zoom.
Student Showcase: Confronting the Plastics Crisis Through Applied Research and Outreach
Enjoy snacks & Duke students' insights on applied research and outreach projects addressing the plastics crisis. Zoom option available.
LIVE - Plastic Pollution: Getting to the Root of the Problem
Plastics are cheap to produce and flexible to design, but they are placing an enormous burden on the environment. Join Professor Dan Vermeer for a discussion on the state of plastic use and the new approaches that could stem the tide of plastic waste.
Plastics and Marine Pollution: Innovations for SDG 14.1
John Virdin, Director of the Ocean and Coastal Policy Program, will speak about the Plastics Policy Inventory as part of the "UNDP Ocean Innovation Challenge – Applied Solutions" panel during Plastics and Marine Pollution: Innovations for SDG 14.1, a UN Ocean Conference side event.
Cleaning Up Without Messing Up Session 2: The Need for a Regulatory Framework for Implementation of Cleanup Technologies
There have been numerous initiatives made by governments, entrepreneurs, and civil society to develop and implement cleanup technologies to remove or aid in the detection of: floating litter from the ocean and rivers, litter deposited in sand on beaches, and microplastics from stormwater or wastewater. To put this somewhat neglected issue on the agenda the International Knowledge Hub Against Plastic Pollution (IKHAPP) at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research and the Plastic Pollution Working Group at Duke University are hosting two webinars.
Cleaning Up Without Messing Up, Session 1: The Cost-Benefit of Implementation of Cleanup Technologies
There have been numerous initiatives made by governments, entrepreneurs, and civil society to develop and implement cleanup technologies to remove or aid in the detection of: floating litter from the ocean and rivers, litter deposited in sand on beaches, and microplastics from stormwater or wastewater. To put this somewhat neglected issue on the agenda the International Knowledge Hub Against Plastic Pollution (IKHAPP) at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research and the Plastic Pollution Working Group at Duke University are hosting two webinars.
Launch of the Annual State of Plastics Policy Report
Are current global policies enough to rid the world of its plastic crisis? How far are our governments from implementing immediate and long-term solutions to sustainably managing plastic waste?
Learn about the updated global landscape of plastics policy on the subnational, national, and international levels as UNDP ocean innovator Duke University, Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions launches the inaugural State of Plastics Policy Report.
The Global Plastic Pollution Pandemic
Since its popularization in the 1950s, plastic use has skyrocketed due to its low cost and versatility, and it has become widely used in many sectors from packaging to the automotive industry. However, due to plastic’s longevity and resistance to decomposition, its widespread use has led to an epidemic of mismanaged waste. This plastic waste is entering the ocean at a rate of around 11 million metric tons a year, where it harms marine life, damages habitats, affects food safety and quality, and threatens human health.
Breaking the Plastic Wave Across the Commonwealth
Hosted by the UK Government and Common Seas, this event will explore findings of two seminal publications on solutions to the plastics pollution crisis and discuss the relevance of these to the Commonwealth Clean Ocean Alliance and our collective efforts to tackle marine plastics.
Breaking the Plastic Wave Across the Commonwealth
Hosted by the UK Government and Common Seas, this event will explore findings of two seminal publications on solutions to the plastics pollution crisis and discuss the relevance of these to the Commonwealth Clean Ocean Alliance and our collective efforts to tackle marine plastics.
Oceans and Climate Conference
This entirely student-led conference aims to bring together students, practitioners, and faculty to collectively explore the links, trade-offs, and tensions at the nexus of climate change, oceans, and coastal ecosystems.
Single Use Plastic Products and Learnings from LCA - Webinar Series B - Part 1
The United Nations Environmental Programme life cycle team is currently progressing single-use plastic products work (UNEA4/Res 9) leading up to UNEA5. As part of this activity, UNEP is launching a webinar series running every Tuesday this October.
Single Use Plastic Products and Learnings from LCA - Webinar Series A - Part 1
The United Nations Environmental Programme life cycle team is currently progressing single-use plastic products work (UNEA4/Res 9) leading up to UNEA5. As part of this activity, UNEP is launching a webinar series running every Tuesday this October.
20 Years of Government Responses to the Global Plastic Pollution Problem
The Nicholas Institute is hosting a pair of webinars to discuss the state of government policy responses to plastic pollution and a recent Duke University analysis of those responses.
Virtual Ocean Dialogues
John Virdin, director of the Nicholas Institute's Ocean and Coastal Policy Program, will be among the panelists in a session hosted by WWF International called "Pollution Parallels: When Does Global Governance Work?". Virdin will discuss the findings of the Nicholas Institute's new report, 20 Years of Government Responses to the Global Plastic Pollution Problem.