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Ecosystem Services Logic Models Database

GEMS models project type search

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Evidence Library for Oyster Reef Restoration

The evidence library contains summaries of the evidence for each of the links in the general oyster reef restoration ESLM. Summaries include an assessment of the strength of evidence for each link.

Evidence Library for Oyster Reef Restoration

Metrics Database

GEMS metrics search

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Project Reports


GEMS Phase I Report: Oyster Reef Restoration

The GEMS (Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Service Logic Models and Socio-Economic Indicators) team will develop ESLMs and metrics for a wide range of coastal restoration approaches over the course of the project. This report presents the results of the first phase of the GEMS project, which focused on oyster reef restoration. Please note: Some of the terminology and results in this report have since been updated. The Phase 2 report has updated this information.


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GEMS Phase II Report: Coastal Restoration

This Phase II report of the GEMS project identifies metrics available to monitor the social and economic outcomes of a wide variety of coastal projects funded in the Gulf, using ESLMs to illustrate how these projects’ impacts cascade through the biophysical system to result in social and economic outcomes. Phase II expands the focus to assess socioeconomic metrics for 16 coastal project types, including habitat restoration, recreational enhancement, and water quality improvement projects.


Advancing Consistent Socio-Economic Monitoring of Coastal Ecosystem Restoration Through Collaborative Metric Development cover

Advancing Consistent Socio-Economic Monitoring of Coastal Ecosystem Restoration Through Collaborative Metric Development

This publication in Communications Earth & Environment summarizes key findings from the GEMS project. While billions of dollars have been invested in ecological restoration projects across the Gulf of Mexico, socioeconomic impacts of these projects aren't consistently tracked. For those who want to add people to the monitoring picture, this publication suggests a set of core metrics that could be used to track these types of outcomes. Additionally, we suggest future steps needed to be able to track a broader set of social and economic outcomes of coastal restoration.


Project Summaries and Posters