Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions
Network & coastline - image credits 123rf/krulua & NASA
123rf/krulua | NASA

Southeast Coastal Resilience Organization Database

Coastal resilience—the ability of coastal communities, economies, and ecosystems to withstand and recover from hazards such as hurricanes, tidal flooding, and sea level rise—is an emerging focus for many government agencies, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions working in coastal areas of the United States. The Southeast Coastal Resilience Organization Database is intended to assist those interested in coastal resilience in the southeastern United States to quickly find others doing related work, in order to facilitate collaboration and connection. The database is a constantly updating list of organizations involved in research, advocacy, stewardship, education, and funding.

The database is a Google sheet to which anyone can add organizations. There are three tabs:

  1. Overview summary figures
  2. Search tool
  3. Spreadsheet with organization details to see all or to add new ones. 

NOTE: If you add new organizations, please fill in the full table so the information will populate the summary on the main page/tab.

The Southeast Coastal Resilience Organization Database was developed by Mason Berger (Duke University) and is a project of the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center (SE CASC). Hosted by North Carolina State University, SE CASC works with natural and cultural resource managers to gather the scientific information and build the tools needed to help fish, wildlife, and ecosystems adapt to the impacts of changing climate and land use. SE CASC consortiums universities are: Auburn University, Duke University, University of Florida, University of South Carolina, and University of Tennessee.

See the Database link