April 2012 Quantification Workshop
Quantifying agricultural greenhouse gases is a foundation for managing climate mitigation, yet data are often lacking and applying methods are too expensive or not relevant to the conditions of low-income countries. A workshop was hosted by the FAO in Rome, Italy from April 18-19, 2012 to address this scientific gap by advancing synthesis and new approaches for the quantification of agricultural greenhouse gases in low-income contexts. CCAFS, Duke and FAO have commissioned 12 articles for a special issue of Environmental Review Letters (ERL) to identify gaps, explore new and innovative tools, methods or approaches appropriate for limited resource conditions, and prioritize actions. The workshop brought together the authors of these articles, regional scientists and others to critically review and exchange ideas about initial ideas for these articles and a synthesis.
A smaller follow-up meeting on April 20, 2012 was held among regional representatives to discuss how to strengthen capacities for GHG quantification in West and East Africa, and South Asia.
Environmental Research Letters Special Issue
March 2011 C-AGG Meeting
The Coalition on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (C-AGG) held a meeting in Sacramento, CA on March 29-30, 2011 to discuss issues relevant to production agriculture and climate change, with a particular focus on continued progress in California on AB32, and progress related to agricultural offsets generation as part of that program. At the meeting, T-AGG reported on its progress to date.
October 2010 X-AGG Meeting
The Coalition on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (C-AGG), the Technical Working Group on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (T-AGG), and the Market Mechanisms for Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (M-AGG) held a joint meeting in Chicago, IL on October 4-5, 2010. The group received reports from each of the initiatives; heard several presentations and panel discussions; and participated in a discussion of the state of climate change rules and regulations, and strategic opportunities and directions for the initiatives, moving forward.
April 2010 Experts Meeting
T-AGG convened a meeting in Chicago on April 22nd and 23rd, 2010 that brought together some of the nation’s leading experts in soil science, modeling and economics for a discussion of program or protocol development for agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation. The agenda and presentations from this meeting are linked below:
Carbon Management Presentations
Kravchenko: Spatial Variability of Soil Sampling and Measurement
Angers: Measurement Depth, Tillage and N20 Emissions
West: Regional Differences and Remote Sensing
McConkey: Measurement and Modeling
Laird: Biochar
Nitrious Oxide Emissions Management Presentations
DelGrosso: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from AgroEcosystems
Millar: N20 Offset Methodology
Desjardins: Measuring and Modeling
Venterea: Managing for Nitrous Oxide Emissions Reductions
Parkin: Managing for Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Rainfed Systems
Greenhouse Gas International Agricultural Mitigation Opportunities Potential Presentations
IPCC Chapter on Agriculture
Martino: IPCC AR4
Martino: Pasture Management
Salas: Rice Production and Methane Management
Wassman: Rice Production and Methane Management
Noble: Soil Carbon Management in Developing Countries
Friedrich: Soil Carbon Management in Developing Countries
November 2009 Protocol Developers Meeting
T-AGG convened a meeting of protocol developers in November, 2009 to inform our advisory board and the invited protocol developers about T-AGG's project goals and process. The content of this meeting can be found here: